Rejoindre Milkiya – Milkiya

Join the first network of real estate agents in Morocco

réseau d’agents immobiliers Milkiya

Milkiya brings to Morocco an innovative concept for doing real estate differently. Drawing on the strength of the network, it offers its agents the possibility of working in complete autonomy, without ever being alone! Joining the Milkiya network means joining a circle of agents and benefiting from multiple advantages. And this, with a common objective: to make all of our clients' real estate projects a great experience.

Give a new dimension to your career

Joining MILKIYA means adhering to a new, more human and more united concept, where everyone's efforts are rewarded. A model that allows everyone to be a winner, whether you are a buyer, seller, business provider or real estate agent.
Concretely, as an agent, this means for you:

  • New business opportunities: The strength of the network coupled with a well-studied lead generation plan makes it possible to increase the potential for real estate opportunities tenfold.
  • Multiple sources of remuneration: Increase your income by sponsoring and training new agents, detecting projects for our partners, or submitting projects to other AMIs.
  • A strong brand that is growing: Benefit from Milkiya’s notoriety and brand image. Gain visibility through communication and promotion actions.
  • Training throughout the year: Take advantage of training sessions on various themes to complete your toolbox and strengthen your skills.
  • Latest generation tools: Access the Milkiya application from your smartphone: all the essential tools at your fingertips at any time.

How to join the MILKIYA agent network?

Milkiya is not just a real estate agency. Our concept is based on the creation of a network of real estate experts on a national scale. Our future Agents (Real Estate Agents) are rigorously selected for their professional skills, but also for their human values. Do you want to join an exciting adventure? Follow the leader !


Identify a sponsor

on our directory online agents , in your personal or professional network, or even with help from our team.


Discover the Milkiya universe

through a presentation session and interviews with your sponsor and the management team.


Submit your file

with the accompaniment and support of your sponsor.


Start the adventure

signing your sponsorship contract giving you access to your starter kit and all Milkiya resources.

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